The Usama Al Khalidi Laboratory for Cell Therapy and Applied Genomics
Launch of the CTAG Lab
On 20 April 2022, the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in Amman, Jordan launched the naming of its Cell Therapy and Applied Genomics (CTAG) Laboratory in honor of Dr. Usama Al-Khalidi in recognition of his brilliant career as a biochemist and his immense contributions to the development of scientific institutions in Lebanon, Jordan and the wider Arab world. CTAG is one of the Center’s most cutting-edge departments, seeking to establish preeminent highly advanced, cellular therapeutics and genomics assays and services that engender national and international recognition for their creativity, productivity, and overall excellence, while focusing on the delivery of personalized medicine through cellular therapeutic and genomics-based technologies to patients from Jordan and across the region.
The Usama Al-Khalidi Laboratory for Cell Therapy and Applied Genomics is certified as a clinical diagnostic facility by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and houses the following specializations:
Cellular Therapy Division:
The Cellular Therapy Division serves blood and marrow transplantation (BMT) patients, and comprises the following laboratories in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified facility: Stem Cell Processing Lab, Cryobiology and Cryopreservation Lab, and Jordan’s first and only Public Cord Blood Bank.
Genomics Division:
The Genomics Division is designed to enhance patient care through genomic diagnostics, research, and education. It aims at providing patients, families, and physicians with information of unprecedented detail and accuracy with which to make informed health decisions. It also offers unique training opportunities and new avenues for novel diagnostic genomics test development.
The Genomics Division is equipped with latest, state-of-the-art technologies enabling a wide range of molecular diagnostics assays in molecular oncology, molecular microbiology, histocompatibility and immunogentics, karyotyping, molecular cytogenetics and Fluoresce In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Flow Cytometry Laboratory:
The Flow Cytometry Laboratory is equipped with the latest technology, and conducts a range of tests including hematological neoplasms immunophenotyping, stem cell enumeration, immune monitoring, and more.
Cancer Care Informatics Program
CTAG is a major contributor to KHCC and the University of Jordan’s joint MSc program in Cancer Care Informatics, which is the first of its kind internationally, holistically empowering the process of cancer care through informatics. This program is aimed at empowering the key stakeholders involved in the process of cancer care through an informatics-centric approach, including as its key building blocks information strategy and governance, process architecture, requirements engineering, lifelong learning and the cloud environment, cancer data analytics and bioinformatics, as well as legal, social, ethical and social informatics implications.
Thank you for your genuine love and unmatchable kindness.
Thank you for your incredible laugh and invaluable friendship.
Thank you for your intellectual and humanitarian legacy that continues to inspire us all.”